In-Depth Patent Examiner Reports
Examiner Reports are rich infographics detailing key information for patent examiners employed by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Examiner Reports with Trends ($199.00)
- All Data Included in the Essential Examiner Reports; Plus:
- Patent Rate & Non-Patent Rate Trends (Month-over-Month, and Year-over-Year);
- Pendency Trends (Month-over-Month, and Year-over-Year); and
- Analyses Regarding those Trends.
Examiner Reports - Multi-Year with Trends (2-Year: $375.00, 3-Year: $445.00)
- All Data Included in the Essential Examiner Reports; Plus:
- All Data Included in the Examiner Reports with Trends, Detailed Above, Plus:
- Patent & Non-Patent Rates for the Latest Available 2-Year or 3-Year Period;
- Advanced Patent & Non-Patent Rate Trends over that Period;
- Comparisons of Patent & Non-Patent Rate Trends over that Period to Applications Handled by Other Examiners (Art Unit and PTO in General);
- Average Pendency of Applications Handled by the Examiner over the Latest 2-Year or 3-Year Period;
- Advanced Pendency Trends over that Period;
- Comparisons of Pendency Trends over that Period to Other Applications Handled by Other Examiners (Art Unit and PTO in General); and
- Analyses Based on the Data.
Examiner Reports - Advanced ($999.00)
- All Data Included in the Essential Examiner Reports; Plus:
- All Data Included in the Examiner Reports with Trends, Detailed Above, Plus:
- All Data from the Multi-Year with Trends Reports (3-Year), Detailed Above, Plus:
- Advanced Background Data (Including Experience in Classes and Subclasses);
- An Estimate of the Workload for the Examiner;
- Comparisons of the Examiner's Workload to Average Workload of Other Examiners (Art Unit and PTO in General);
- A List of All Applications Available Handled by the Examiner in the period;
- A Full List of All Patents Granted by the Examiner;
- Access to additional Data Concerning the Examiner's Prosecuting History, by Request and if Available;
- Office Action Statistical Analyses, Including Rejection Bases, Frequency, and Types of Office Action;
- Examples of Successful and Unsuccessful Prosecution Arguments for the Examiner; and
- Advanced Analysis.